September 19, 2016

Filed under: professional teeth whitening carrollton tx — Tags: — celebrationfamilydental @ 4:02 pm

A bright, perfect smile can go a long way. It attracts people can it makes you leave a good impression on other people. It makes them see your happy and positive aura. But what if you are not happy with your own smile? Worry no more because you can definitely achieve that perfect smile!

One of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure at present is teeth whitening. Teeth whitening lightens your teeth and helps remove stains and discoloration. It can greatly impact how your teeth look.

Just as there are a lot of ways to lighten teeth, there are also several causes for teeth discoloration. One cause of darkened teeth is genetics. We inherit distinct characteristics from our parents and parents of our parents and no matter what, they play a significant role on what we are and what we look like.

Food and drinks such as coffee, sodas and tea, even some fruits and vegetables that stain your teeth also cause discoloration. Tobacco use and smoking also are factors for discoloration.

Poor dental hygiene, inadequate brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash allows plaque to remain on the surfaces of teeth and the spaces in between, causing discoloration.

Even medications and antibiotics are known to discolor teeth especially when given to children during the time when their teeth are still developing.

While there are many reasons behind teeth discoloration, there are also types or methods for teeth whitening.

  1. In Office Teeth Whitening

The In office teeth whitening is also referred to as professional teeth whitening which is done inside a dental office. This is the most preferred whitening method. Stronger agents are applied in this type of procedure but the teeth and gums are protected from these materials. In office teeth whitening can make your teeth 10 times whiter in just an hour.

In-office whitening affects only the front eight teeth and is a great start for take-home whitening, which is always part of an effective whitening program.

There are rare case of tooth sensitivity that arise from teeth whitening but your dentists knows how to handle these issues best. Depending on how to take care of your teeth, the effect of this procedure can last longer.

The following are the advantages of Professional Teeth Whitening / In house teeth whitening:

  • There are no other teeth bleaching methods that produce the fastest results than this.
  • This is the safest method of tooth whitening.
  • Tooth and gum sensitivity are more manageable nowadays because of the use of new and thicker peroxide gels
  • In office teeth whitening best removes the organic stains caused by aging (natural tendency of teeth to yellow over time), consumption of certain foods (e.g. coffee, soda, red wine and dark colored fruits and vegetables), smoking and tobacco use.
  1. Over the counter or Home tooth Whitening systems

Commercially available tooth whitening systems are becoming popular because they are convenient and easy to use and are relatively inexpensive.

There are a few over-the-counter tooth whitening methods that can be purchased without your dentist’s supervision. They include whitening strips, paint-on tooth gel, mouth trays with gel, whitening toothpaste, and even whitening gum. These are generally safe to use but if unsure, it is always best to consult your dentist.

Is teeth whitening for you?

The following are the circumstances when whitening is not recommended and encouraged:

  • Age and pregnancy issues – whitening or bleaching is not recommended for children under 16 because the nerve of the tooth is not enlarged until this age. Whitening is also not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.
  • Sensitive teeth and allergies – Individuals with sensitive teeth and gums should get a dentist’s advice first prior to having teeth whitening. Also people with allergic reactions to peroxide are not advised to have teeth whitening.
  • Gum diseases – Individuals with gum disease or worn out tooth enamel are discouraged from having teeth whitening.
  • Fillings, crowns, and other restorations – It is not advised to use teeth whitening on dental restorations such as crowns, veneers, bondings and bridges because they will only result to uneven whitening
  • Darkly stained teeth –Only yellowish teeth respond best to bleaching or whitening, but brownish colored teeth respond less well and grayish or purple stained teeth may not respond to whitening at all.

Contact Celebration Family Dental for best teeth whitening in carrollton tx.Conveniently located 3720 North Josey Lane Suite 106 Carrollton, TX 75007

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