Will Dentures Work If You Lost Teeth Long Ago?

December 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — celebrationfamilydental @ 12:19 pm
A closeup of dentures held by a dentist

You know tooth loss is a severe problem if you’ve ever lost any teeth. Still, maybe you haven’t gotten dentures for your grin yet. Perhaps you’ve been putting off restoration work these last few years. In that case, you’re likely wondering: “Will dentures work for prolonged tooth loss?” Well, wonder no more – your local Carrolton dentist can answer that question. To that end, here’s how dentures work when missing teeth erode your jaw.


Denture vs. Implants: Which Will Preserve Your Jaw?

November 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — celebrationfamilydental @ 11:52 am
An older woman admiring her implants

As you might know, there are several good tooth replacement options. Chief among them are standard dentures and dental implants. After all, these two choices can effectively restore your grin! Still, you might wonder: Can dentures preserve your jaw? The truth on this issue may affect your treatment decision. Sadly, though, the answer is that dentures won’t stop jawbone loss; only dental implants will. For more details on the matter, review this helpful summary from your Carrolton dentist.


Festive Foods: 5 Hors D’oeuvres That Your Dentist Approves

October 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — celebrationfamilydental @ 4:00 pm
Beautiful holiday tablescape with candles, glasses, and plateware

Typically, holiday festivities are filled with apple pie, mulled wine, and other sugary treats. While they are certainly delicious, they also are a recipe for cavities. That’s why you should consider having holiday hors d’oeuvres that are smile-friendly instead! If you’re unsure where to begin, read on for a few ideas that your dentist will approve of.


From Beans to Bliss: Embracing National Coffee Day the Healthy Way

September 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — celebrationfamilydental @ 1:03 pm
A barista making latte art in the shape of a heart

Nothing beats the smell of a coffee house, except maybe the combined smell of a fresh cup of coffee and the old-world musk of a library. National Coffee Day might be just about the best time to enjoy both at the same time. So, this September 29th, it’s time to gather your friends over a cup of brown and let the good times percolate.

But how can you enjoy coffee if you’re trying to watch out for your oral health? Continue reading to find out how you can enjoy a cup of joe guilt-free on National Coffee Day.


How to Take Care Of Yourself After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

August 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — celebrationfamilydental @ 7:06 am
Someone holding an ice pack to their face

Wisdom teeth are sort of like an unwanted dinner guest—you may not have asked for them, but once they’ve showed up, it can be a little bit of a challenge to delicately extract them from the situation.

Wisdom tooth removal is the most invasive dental treatment that the average person is likely to deal with, which is why if you have one coming up, you may not feel ready to deal with the aftercare.

Don’t worry—so long as you take things one step at a time, you should be able to heal from wisdom tooth surgery in no time. If you want to know more about how to handle the procedure, here’s what you should do to recover as quickly as possible.

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