Celebration Family Dental Blog

How to Eat a Mouth-Healthy Diet for National Nutrition Month

March 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — celebrationfamilydental @ 4:48 pm

close up person eating an apple

The month of March includes many celebrations, such as St. Patrick’s Day and the first day of spring. But did you know that it’s also National Nutrition Month? That’s right, there is an entire month dedicated to helping you learn how to eat healthier. While having a healthy body is important, today let’s focus on how to eat better for the sake of your oral health.


How Does Tooth Enamel Last a Lifetime?

February 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — celebrationfamilydental @ 2:45 pm

dentist pointing to the enamel on a model of a toothTooth enamel is an amazing substance, in fact, it’s the hardest material in the entire body, even stronger than bone. This outer layer of the teeth keeps them healthy and protects them from the ever-present threat of harmful bacteria, acid, and food debris found in the mouth. However, recent research unveils genetics and the structure of tooth enamel could play a larger part than we think in how long is lasts. Read on to learn more about what the research says, and how you can help your enamel remain intact. (more…)

4 Ways to Encourage Good Children’s Oral Health

February 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — celebrationfamilydental @ 3:39 pm

parent helping their child brush their teeth in a bathroom mirrorHave you ever wondered why February is officially dubbed as Children’s Dental Health Month? Parents know how difficult it is to encourage their little ones to take proper care of their teeth and gums. Dedicating a few weeks out of the year to building great oral habits with your child can help them build a routine that will prevent problems from developing when they’re adults. Read on for four tips from a children’s dentist to get your little one interested in brushing and flossing. (more…)

What Causes Receding Gums and How Can a Dentist Help?

January 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — celebrationfamilydental @ 4:20 am

Digital image of gum recessionIn regards to oral health, people tend to focus on their teeth alone. But your gums are very important as well because they give your teeth their strength and support. They also cover and protect the roots, which are otherwise very sensitive if they’re exposed. Unfortunately, receding gums are quite common and often lead to sensitivity and other dental problems. In this blog, you’ll learn about the various causes of gum recession, whether the gums can “grow back” on their own, and what your treatment options are. Find out more below!


5 Cold and Flu Season Tips From a Dentist To Maintain Your Oral Health

January 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — celebrationfamilydental @ 8:16 pm

A couple who has the fluCold and flu season is here again…ugh. When you’re dealing with a runny nose, sore throat, and sleepless nights, the only thing you want is to feel better as soon as possible. Unfortunately, however, many common cold remedies can put your oral health at risk. And the last thing you want after the cold or flu is to see a dentist for major dental work! Keep reading for 5 easy tips you can use to fight off a cold or flu bug without harming your smile.


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