Celebration Family Dental Blog

How to Brush Your Teeth Correctly in 6 Easy Steps

December 16, 2016

Filed under: Carrolton Dentist Tips,dental services carrollton tx — celebrationfamilydental @ 2:41 pm

You probably know that you should get a cleaning from your dentist every 6 months – but did you know the reasons for it?

One of the biggest is that most people simply don’t know how to brush their teeth correctly, meaning they never get rid of most of the plaque they get.

This is bad news, because dental cleanings or not, it’s best to keep your mouth clean from food particles and the bacteria that “digest” them – and in this article, we’ll help you do just that with 6 easy steps to brushing your teeth the right way.


November 12, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — celebrationfamilydental @ 9:02 am

When you aim to achieve optimum oral health, brushing and flossing are not enough. You have to ditch the sugar and sweet. Yes you read that right. It takes a lot of discipline if you want to make your teeth as beautiful and as healthy as they can be. Your regular dental visits are also just as important because these can help you stay on top of your oral health. But another thing you should not be forgetting is your diet and nutrition. Whatever you eat can affect your oral health. Eating the right types of food can increase your teeth’s ability to fight and resist cavity causing bacteria. Nutritious foods are also beneficial to your body and can help boost your immune system so that you can easily fight infections.



November 5, 2016

Filed under: sedation dentistry carrollton tx — Tags: — celebrationfamilydental @ 11:28 am

It is normal for parents to think about their child’s safety in all aspects of their wellbeing, even when it comes to their oral health. And when talking about dental procedures, especially the most complex ones, most dental professionals recommend sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry is ideal for people with dental anxiety but children are not the only ones who have a greater fear of the dentists, a lot of adults actually do. This means that sedation dentistry is not only recommended for children, many adults can benefit from it as well. People have the tendency to put off their dental appointments or cancel them, but this is something that is strongly being discouraged by the dentists as it may just result in worse problems in the future.


October 27, 2016

Filed under: GENERAL DENTISTRY carrollton tx — Tags: — celebrationfamilydental @ 8:27 am

Anything that pertains to your oral health, any concerns, whether these are minor or serious problems, should not be ignored and should be given immediate attention. This is because whatever is happening with your oral health always has an impact to your general health. For anything that you and your family need when it concerns your teeth and gums, your general dentist would be the best person to seek professional health care from.


Dental Implants Post-Treatment Care Basics

October 9, 2016

Filed under: dental implant carrollton — Tags: , — celebrationfamilydental @ 4:39 am

Operations can be a big stress for our bodies and will require us to have a few days to a few months rest. In terms of dental care, one of the biggest possible invasive operations that can be performed is dental implants. And while this procedure has been deemed safe, the after care can be a big factor in the success of a dental implant. (more…)

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