There is a whole wide world of food out there, and as you enjoy all the delicacies that you encounter, you could very well run into a situation where something becomes stuck between your teeth. It might not even be food; sometimes other objects or debris can become lodged in your mouth. If this happens, you don’t need to panic at all; there are a few things you can do yourself before heading to your dentist’s office.
(more…)Celebration Family Dental Blog
What Should I Do If an Object is Stuck Between My Teeth?
April 3, 2022
What Foods That Can Chip Teeth Should I Watch Out For?
March 4, 2022
Free solo climbing, bull riding, scuba diving, big wave surfing, eating corn on the cob…these are all potentially dangerous activities. What’s dangerous about corn on the cob? Well, this blog post is going to get into that and some other foods that can chip teeth. Keep reading to learn from your emergency dentist in Carrollton about items that warrant caution while eating.
(more…)What You Should Know About Dating with Invisalign
February 11, 2022
Are you going on a date this Valentine’s Day? You may be wondering how your Invisalign treatment will affect it. Even though clear aligners are more convenient than traditional braces, they can still have some impact on your dating life. Just because the plastic trays are discreet doesn’t mean your orthodontic treatment won’t affect social situations. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to prevent any awkward moments. Here’s what you should know about dating with Invisalign.
(more…)How Does Your Smile Affect Your Love Life?
February 3, 2022
It’s officially February, which means Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Are you having trouble finding a date for this special day? Believe it or not, your oral health may be to blame. Your smile can have a significant impact on your dating life, going as far as being a dealbreaker for some people. According to a survey of over 5,000 people, 58% of men and 71% of women believe healthy teeth are by far the most attractive feature. That means your pearly whites have a bigger impact on desire than hair, nails, and shoes! Read on to learn more about the link between dating and dental health.
(more…)4 Ways to Survive Cold and Flu Season with Invisalign
January 28, 2022
During cold and flu season, it can be difficult to stay healthy. From traveling to see loved ones to going to crowded grocery stores to stock up for winter storms, there are numerous opportunities for you to get sick. For people who wear Invisalign, there are extra precautions that should be taken during this time of year. If you’re one of those people, read on to learn four tips that will help you make it through cold and flu season with Invisalign?